Michelle Gable, Writer

Michelle Gable, Writer

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Pinterest and Sample Chapters (coming soon)!

February 24, 2014 , , , , , ,

MGableWriter on Pinterest

MGableWriter on Pinterest

Hi all!

Sorry I’ve been a little quiet around here. Things have been busy with work (earnings season and all!) as well as a bunch of book marketing stuff, plus my website redesign, which looks amazing. My designer has done a phenomenal job and I can’t wait to show it to you guys! Add in girls’ softball starting back up and a quick mini-vacation with my family, and I haven’t had much time for blogging. Ahhh, but sometimes busy is good.

Anyway, I wanted to share my my Pinterest page. I’ve had it for several years and mostly it’s about clothes–with some book stuff thrown in–but I linked it up here because I’ve been told in the next week or so my publisher is going to post the first few chapters of A Paris Apartment on the site!

Also, if you didn’t see it on Facebook, a German publisher acquired rights to the book! They only publish 10 hardcovers per list, so I’m very excited, especially since they also publish Truman Capote, Mark Twain, and Norman Mailer. Totally the same thing. 😉

That’s about it from my world. I’ve read several fantastic books lately, including The Painted Girls by Cathy Marie Buchanan, The Last Enchantments by Charles Finch, and The Chocolate Money by Ashley Prentice Norton. All very different, all great.

Well, have a great week everyone! A Paris Apartment comes out eight weeks from tomorrow! Yikes!

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